September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I absolutely love disturbing and horrible stuff in books lol, are there any suggestions? I prefer phycological horror, but I’ll take anything. I just need something that’ll make me stare at the page in absolute disbelief and disgust if that makes sense

    by Monsterlove666


    1. pascalsgirlfriend on

      Michael Slade wrote a series of splatterpunk books. I had to put them down and I like horror.

    2. Also, could pick up any Karin slaughter book. Pretty Girls was my first and last Karin slaughter book 🫷🥴🤢😵‍💫

    3. eighty2angelfan on

      I left my 2014 NEC book on top of my truck. It fell off in the street and bounced a few times. It’s pretty effed up. And now that I think about it, my 07 CRF450R service manual is pretty effed up as well. Oil, gas, abuse. Do you want me to send em to you?

    4. IvanMarkowKane on

      Geek Love by Katherine Dunn

      Tampa by Alissa Nutting

      I suspect Tampa might be the all time leader in DNFs

    5. Haunting Adeline and Hunting Adeline

      Edit to add: they’re not literary masterpieces by any means. But, they’re not awful from a grammar or writing standpoint either. I found them completely effed up though… like a train wreck I couldn’t stop reading.

    6. It’s not Horror, but All Quiet on The Western Front is legitimately one of the most disturbing books I’ve ever read.

    7. House of Leaves is f’ed up in all the best ways IMO. It left me full of terror, bewilderment, complete astonishment and lots more terror.

      A clockwork Orange and American Psycho are also both really recommendable books. Whether you have seen the movies or not. The books are excellent regardless but definitely not for everyone (all kinds of trigger warnings here for anyone not familiar!)

    8. Endurance by JA Konrath. Actually, anything by JA Konrath or Jack Kilborn. You want graphic descriptions?? They got you 😁

    9. Check out an Irvine Welsh book. Or Chuck Palahniuk’s Rant stuck with me for some reason.

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