September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ve seen a few people on Reddit recommend Ulysses as an interesting and fun book. While I appreciate Ulysses as a high-depth novel that shows what a novel can do, it is by no means engaging or “fun” to read. It is the opposite. It is the most draining, least flowing, least readable work I’ve ever read, despite knowing what kind of writer JJ is. There are literal guides on how to read this book and most people take MONTHS to read it alongside annotations that are **needed to explain what’s going on**.
    I’ve just finished the book and feel like I spent $300 on a gross tiny molecular cuisine dish in hopes that it will change my life (it didn’t) instead of going to a buffet with all my favourite shit for $30. Like I spent ten hours looking at a modern art installation instead of going to the cinema to watch my favourite movie. Like I spent an hour listening to an abstract-post-noize-jazz album instead of singing to my favourite song in the shower for 3 minutes. I could go on, because my disappointment is immeasurable, but I think you get the point. Please do not recommend it to anyone who isn’t already willing to read it.

    by drelas_


    1. InvisibleSpaceVamp on

      I guess people have different ideas of “fun” … but personally, I totally agree with you. I tried two times and DNFed two times. I hate stream of consciousness rambling in modern literature and “but it’s a classic!!!” doesn’t make me hate it any less.

    2. It’s great fun! Did I mention how much I enjoyed having my impacted wisdom teeth removed?

    3. I found the analysis and discussion of Ulysses interesting and had fun digging into the different layers of the text, but yeah the actual reading part was difficult. That said I’ve only read it once, and I do wonder if it’s different for people who reread it regularly. I know a lot of people do annual rereads.

    4. Left-Percentage9268 on

      I completely agree with you. It’s vague and confusing at places. I never managed to read it completely. Needed a mobile dictionary as well. Tried a few times and gave up soon every time. It can be categorized as a challenging read not an interesting one.

    5. For me, it’s cool to see how JJ pioneered and experimented with many aspects of narrative we now see in modern novels. But, no–it’s absolutely not a fun read, and 99% of the people who tell you it is are pretending to like it out of a case of literary insecurity and a need to appear smart.

    6. TheChocolateMelted on

      Anthony Burgess, who wrote incredibly challenging stuff (as well as *A Clockwork Orange*) wrote about *Ulysses* and fully acknowledged that most people give up on Chapter 2 … Maybe he even said they fall asleep? It’s not an easy read and fully agree that it’s not a fun read.

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