July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey all! I’ve been in a rut lately. I’ve been thinking about how in my twenties and younger I felt like life had so much magic and potential. I really miss that mindset. Could anyone recommend books that might help in any way to get back a little of the ‘spark’?

    by travelinturdferguson


    1. I will recommend a book or two, but more than that I would recommend: trees, time spent under or near trees, walks, hikes, moonrises, sunsets. I also recommend starting a little meditation practice. As for books:

      *Dept of Speculation* – Jenny Offill

      *New and Selected Poems* (Vol. 2) – Mary Oliver

      *Klara and the Sun* – Kazuo Ishiguro

      *Invisible Cities* – Italo Calvino

      *The Lost Books of the Odyssey* – Zachary Mason

      *Desert Solitaire – Edward Abbey*

      *Sand County Almanac* – Aldo Leopold

      *The Peace of Wild Things* – Wendell Berry

      *Diary of a Young Naturalist* – Dara McAnulty

      *How to be a Good Creature* – Sy Montgomery

      *The Overstory* – Richard Powers

    2. Redditor_infinity on

      I would recommend these books there are really self-help books

      Atomic habits- James Clear
      Mindset – Carol S. Dweck
      What I wish I knew when I was 20- Tina Seeling

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