July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Looking for adult age level books centered around witchy main character(s) without any romance (including pining/crushing/flirting/sex) for the fall season. Preferably full-on witchery with magic spells and potions etc, but I would also accept psychics/mediums, tarot, and the like. Also ideally not a comedy but I am open to both cozy and dramatic books as long as the drama doesn’t revolve around their persecution (unless you think it’s REALLY good). I love “witch of the woods” vibes as well.

    I have read and loved Circe by Madeline Miller and I have already been recommended The Witches of New York, Akata Witch, The Witches at the End of the World, The Lighthouse Witches, and several Terry Pratchett books.



    by ByLightning

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