July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    This book feels like it was written for me, it so perfectly suited my tastes. The main characters are some of my new favorites. Sammy especially will stick with me for a very long time as I found him to be extremely relatable and lovably earnest. I loved his relationship with Rosa as well, I was worried when she was first introduced that it was going to be written as her “stealing” Joe from Sammy , which is a trope I despise, but Sammy and Rosa’s friendship became one of my favorite aspects of the book. I found Joe to be a great character as well, if not as quite as lovable as Sammy, especially his feelings of guilt I felt to be extremely interesting to read about. I felt like that even when the characters did things that were shitty, I understood and deeply empathized with them. Even the characters who are kinda pieces of shit are still written in an extremely charming manner that makes them so much fun to read, like Sheldon Anapol or George Deazey, who despite not taking up much page space, gave the book some of its most memorable moments.

    The book covers so much and is dense with themes but still remained incredibly readable, despite it feeling the whole book was written in page-long paragraphs. The fact that I love comics and their history is just icing on the cake, though knowledge of comics is by no means necessary to enjoy it. Reading this was such a genuine pleasure and even though the book was slow at times, I enjoyed soaking it all in. I felt everything while reading this book and certain scenes and quotes are going to stick in my mind for a long time. I want to see this adapted as I feel like the book has a very cinematic feel that would lend itself extremely well to a movie or mini-series. Let me know what you guys thought of the book!

    by selloboy

    1 Comment

    1. mattlmattlmattl on

      I also think it’s a wonderful book. I read it not too long after it won the Pulitzer and immediately thought it would be taught in college classes from now on, a classic work of literature that’s fun to read!

      I reread it every few years and it’s always amazing!

      It made me a Chabon fan and I’ve read almost all of his stuff now but this one is tops.

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