September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ve been reading some more sci-fi, especially cyberpunk and I’m really enjoying it but I’d really like a book. It’s sort of like an Elmore, Leonard novel, but in a cyberpunk setting, you know fun crime stories that aren’t very heavy in concept.
    Any recommendations ?

    by danpapo11

    1 Comment

    1. I am not familiar with Elmore or Leonard, but here are some suggestions of fun cyberpunk:

      * Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson. There are life or death stakes, but I find it to be much more lighthearted than most of what this author writes.

      * Ready Player One. It’s basically junk food for your brain, a fun treasure hunt though set against a desolate backdrop.

      * Synners. About creative types and computer hackers during a time when brain-computer interfaces are invented.

      * Some short stories you may like: [The Techno Rat](, [The Revolution, Brought To You by Nike](, and [Ride the Dragon](

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