September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I just finished the first novel of Jason Pargin’s Zoey Ashe series and thought it was fun. I didn’t enjoy it nearly as much as the John Dies at the End series, but it was still entertaining. My biggest issue was with >!the ending!< specifically >!the football helmet that controls Raiden. Instead of a kill switch, what Arthur left is essentially a tool that, in the wrong hands, would allow someone to control an entire bionic army with voice commands. It seems like a bad idea.!<

    That being said, I have a much more petty complaint: the cat on the cover is wrong. Pargin went to the trouble of describing the physical appearance this cat who serves as a character/plot device throughout the book just for the cat pictured on the cover to be the wrong color. It’s such a minor thing, but it bugs me! Why bother to put the cat on the cover at all if it’s going to be wrong?

    I think overall it speaks to some of the other minor production issues I had with the book. There were some typos (including spelling the MC’s name wrong), random ink splotches, and the back cover wasn’t cut correctly. It looks like it was done by an elementary school student who is still practicing pulling perforated pages from their notebook. These are all silly little mistakes, but still not what I expect of what should be a good quality book.

    by _nightlan

    1 Comment

    1. SilasCordell on

      I understand your complaint, but isn’t the whole book about technology that could be terrible in the wrong hands?  I mean, that’s what her dad did; he made that stuff.

      No excuse for the cat.

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