July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi everyone! I’ve been a bit stuck on finding interesting new books to read. I tend to like sci-fi and fantasy and anime-esque books where the protagonist has to train / develop skills or clever plans to overcome obstacles.

    My absolute favorite books / series so far:

    -Red Rising Saga (absolute banger, would love to scratch that itch again)

    -The Expanse (just perfect)

    -Expeditionary Force (not exactly groundbreaking literature but extremely fun, great dialogue)

    -Musashi (amazing fight sequences and interesting take on japanese culture and zen mindset)

    If you like any of the books above I would love to hear some of your other favorites!

    by astralbelligerency


    1. dancingqueen42 on

      The Will of the Many by James Islington. I’ve only read the first Red Rising book, but this book definitely gave me similar vibes! Only downside is that it’s a new release so the other books aren’t out yet sadly.

    2. Taste_the__Rainbow on

      The closest I’ve come to reliving The Expanse so far has been The Final Architecture by Tchaikovsky.

    3. JollyHamster5973 on

      The Alex Verus series by Benedict Jacka is an urban fantasy series with a clever magic system and brilliant fight scenes. The protagonist’s magic gives him the ability to see only a few seconds into the future.


      Since you like The Expanse, you might enjoy other space operas like:

      Revelation Space by Alistair Reynolds

      Vorkosigan Saga by Lois McMaster Bujold

      Culture series by Iain M. Banks

      A Fire Upon the Deep by Vernor Vinge

    4. I’m in the middle of The Rage of Dragons right now and it does scratch the Red Rising itch to a fairly satisfying extent. It might not seem like it in the beginning, but if you stick with it you might like it.

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