September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello everyone,

    I am looking for historical novel as said in title. I read titles like Masters of Rome by Coleen Mccoulough(havent finished it yet, some books are hard to comy by), I, Claudius by Robert Graves (bought the sequel, will read it soon), Matteo Strukuls The Mediccis.

    I really liked how all books follow numerous characters trough some longer time period, not just covering time arround one single event. I liked the drama, intrigue, politics and history.

    I would like some similar books in some other time frames that I am interested in like: whole Byzantine period, but especially Justinian, Reneissance, Phillip or Alexander the great of Macedon, 2nd Punic war from either side, Crusades,… I dont know, you can suggest me anything and I will tell you if period is interesting to me.

    Thanks in advance!

    by Psych0191

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