September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    So I read The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms by NK Jemisin recently and absolutely loved it. The world and history are so rich, the characters are round and complex, and the plot kept me on the edge of my seat. I’m passionate about diversity and representation, so I was also so appreciative of the racial diversity and cultural nuances in the book.

    When I was telling my sister about it, she recommended A Court Of Thorns and Roses to me. I see some similar themes (royalty, sense of purpose, rags to riches, etc) but similarities stop there. The protagonist is not very compelling, in that she has very little about her that feels unique or intriguing. The other characters are fairly general, and at times their actions seem unaligned with their values. Overall the world, history, and people seem so bland in comparison. In addition to everyone being White.

    I’m trying to be considerate of the fact that maybe some people prefer a more simplistic writing style. However I’ve nearly groaned multiple times in my reading of ACTR, that it’s hard for me to imagine. Just wanted to share my thoughts, still reading so no spoilers please. Also very much looking forward to reading the other books in the series for The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms.

    by succubus-raconteur

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