September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ve just ordered the first book because I really liked the movies (yes I’m late, I know) but I sort of skipped any reviews or opinions whether it’s good and now I found out that many people find it boring and without any mysteries or plot twists. So now I’m wondering (and hoping) if it’s really that bad and uninteresting or if it’s just a couple of people who didn’t vibe with it. I liked how the movies were simple yet captivating even though my friends also thought they were a little bit boring and uneventful. So…your thoughts? Did you like it and why?

    by mmmmppppm


    1. BeautifulEssay8 on

      It’s kind of a slog unless you’re already into this kind of sci fi writing.

    2. LaskerEmanuel on

      I quite like Dune, I can imagine a lot of criticism of it, but the ones that you describe make me think the people in question very obviously either did not read the book, or understood nothing. This is probably hyperbole, but I really struggle to understand how one could claim “nothing happened” in the book.

    3. For me they were too long and quite cringey (have read the first 3 so far). The second is the most cringey for me.

      The movies remove A LOT of the cultural and political aspects that the books explain in detail. As well as their traditions that might be a bit unorthodox hehehe. They are an interesting read all in all.

    4. halkenburgoito on

      I haven’t actually seen the movies yet. I **love** the audio books so far. I’ve listened to the first one(Which I know is adapted into Dune movies 1 & 2), read Dune Messiah, and am now midway through the third, Children of Dune.

      I really gell with it, I love it. But I can imagine it being very polarizing.

      I think I heard or read that the writings were inspired by the author’s experience on magic mushrooms. I could def see that.

      The books throw you into a complex world, lots of detail and worldbuilding which doesn’t hold your hand or ease you in. And the writing is so much about the inner mind, with abstracting descriptions of consciousness, etc.

      The way he writes, the concepts and ideas feel *real,* yet so abstract and difficult to succinctly summarize. Because they are so much descriptions about consciousness or time, etc.

      But I’m always enthralled when I listen, the political machinations, the intricate guilds, groups, power balances, the concepts of prescience, religious and millitary extremism, etc. I really enjoy it.

    5. Repulsive-Dot553 on

      Its excellent, if you like detailed world building including the politics – its more complex than other similar scifi books. While I really like it, I found the sequels progressively more disappointing as they get very esoteric in focus and really quite far out, even for scifi.

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