September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello everyone, I hope you are doing well, I am seeking a specific type of novel (if one exists) that follows a world and people’s creation, and chronicles it until its end. Preferably on the longer side with extensive detail on the people, world, and deity while still having a plot. I would also prefer if the deity created the world and people using creative means (i.e. instead of just snapping their fingers and creating a world, they have to plan, sculpt, and nurture. For example; a deity starts off in a void, and after many millennia pass, begins to weep from loneliness, and from those tears, stars are made, and the deity gathers the stars to shape a seed, which upon careful nurturing, grows into the core or foundation of a planet.)

    Thank you all for your time and help, I hope you have a lovely day.

    by Unkillable_Butter

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