September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m stuck in the indecision loop with not being able to single out a book right now. Too many choices and just struggling with narrowing it down.

    So far this year I’ve read:
    The Midnight Library
    The Legacy of Heorot
    Beowulfs Children
    Starborn and Godsons
    Project Hail Mary
    The Andromeda Strain
    And a couple of others I can’t recall off the top of my head.

    I’ve been on a sci-fi/space kick recently.
    Big fan of Michael Crichton, Peter Heler, Andy Weir, Pat Conroy, Larry Niven, and Jerry Pournelle. Although just starting to get into Larry and Jerry’s stuff. So maybe suggestions on some of their other popular books/series?
    Hopefully that’s enough information to get some good suggestions!

    by cgrum91


    1. >I’ve been on a sci-fi/space kick recently

      Have you read Blake Crouch’s sci-fi novels? *Dark Matter* (parallel wotlds. TV series coming soon), *Recursion* (a novel take on time travel), and *Upgrade* (genetic engineering). All great.

      edit: or if you’re in the mood for fast, pulpy sci-fi, *The Running Man* by Stephen King is what I always recommend to everyone.

    2. You may like:

      * Have Space Suit, Will Travel by Robert A. Heinlein. Similar to Andy Weir’s writing, this book focuses on solving engineering problems.

      * Seveneves by Neal Stephenson. Apocalyptic stakes and engineering problems, similar to Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir.

      * We Are Satellites by Sarah Pinsker, about a new technology upending society. This author has a writing style that imo is very easy to read.

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