September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    So the reason I browse goodreads is because I can see the general opinion about a book and use it to decide whether a book should be read or not. Generally my rule is to read anything with the score of 4 and higher (though I will make exceptions up to 3.8 because sometimes those turn out to be excellent, I’m willing to further lower the acceptance line if a book or author is more obscure). That said, I wold like an alternative to goodreads with the input and opinions of other readers just to make sure my final judgement is of higher quality, as I have lots of books to read but little time to do so. Is there any alternative to Goodreads?

    by ShiningDraken


    1. InvisibleSpaceVamp on

      I’m also trying out Storygraph at the moment. It lets you import your data from goodreads btw, which I found very helpful. I’m still getting used to navigating the app but I’m already finding the rating system better than on goodreads. It’s not just stars but also things like pacing or character development, which you can rate if you like. Also – half and quarter stars! How long have we asked goodreads to introduce that? Can’t be that hard, right? Well, this app manages.

    2. GabbyIsBaking on

      I like StoryGraph as well, I recently started using it. In addition to reviews and star ratings, they ask for readers’ feedback on mood, pacing, character development, and diversity, among other things. They also list content warnings.

    3. Dzweshy_redpanda on

      Just seconding (or more like the 5th response) Storygraph! It’s new and still developing, which is cool to see it grow and add stuff. I love just having everything in one place and the graphics it creates are cool! And I love just watching what my friends are reading/have on their TBR because I have a group of friends who all actively use it. And I have it open when in bookstores to add books to my own TBR list as i go

      I also did the buddy read once and it was neat because we could add comments to it as we read the book. And I love tracking my place in a book because I can never keep track of a bookmark lol

    4. mintchocolate816 on

      Another +1 for StoryGraph. I don’t find the interface to be as smooth, but I do love the stats they show, and the Recommendations actually make sense lol.

    5. minimalist_coach on

      I switched to StoryGraph last year and I love it. One of the features I love is all the additional data. You can search by mood and pace which I find very helpful. I feel like the reviews have more information than how many stars a reader rated it.

    6. Catsandscotch on

      I use Storygraph and one of the features I love is it shows you readers who have similar tastes to yours. Then I go look at that person’s five star reads. I’ve found some gems that I might not otherwise have heard about because of that feature.

    7. The StoryGraph is much better, and they don’t promote the slandering and review bombing of authors.

    8. IndigoCalhoun on

      Litsy May be worth a look – it is still quite small but you can get a sense of whether the bigger name books are worth checking out.

    9. vintage_baby_bat on

      I personally like [Hardcover]( It’s still in beta so the site is slow, but I think it’s going to be great! It’s got a combination of stats (like Storygraph) and socials (like Goodreads). some things are missing, but most of the major features are there, and there’s a planned feature road map you can look at 🙂

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