July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m looking for a book with a heavy dark fantasy setting with romance. I’m not looking for like, a morally Grey elf king that only has eyes for a peasant girl or something. I’m talking like, Grimdark, Warhammer type world setting with cool villains and adventure and of course romance. It doesn’t need to be like, spicy romance or anything but some of my favorite books have been some warhammer fantasy books, like Gotrek and Felix and the Genevieve Vampire stuff and I’m just looking for something that has similar dark and spooky fantasy settings with a strong, passionate romance

    Anyone got anything?

    Edit to add:I’m pretty new to the whole warhammer universe so if there’s actual romance books in that world (which I feel like it’s not the type of franchise to have that but I may be surprised) definitely drop those below too

    by OkAbbreviations7320

    1 Comment

    1. Informal_Display_448 on

      Try “How to steal a demons heart”
      It’s free with kindle unlimited.

      I don’t know if it fits the vibe you’re looking for exactly but it’s urban Fantasy with a cast of characters that all have some trauma to work through, and their relationships reflect that.

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