September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Looking for a book for my brother who’s recently entered the substances & science industry but is a huge sceptic of substances generally (don’t ask me how that works lol). Just to be clear, it’s nothing illegal. The role is forcing him to meet new people, hear new perspectives, and be open to the possibilities of plants and substances beyond the tropes of abuse… I want to get him a book that provides an honest take on naturally occurring substances.
    I’ve done research, but can’t land on something satisfactory. I know there’s lots on psychedelics, but was hoping for something that covers more than just that. He’s painfully practical and probably won’t respond to the overly spiritual stuff.
    I would ordinarily go for something from Michael Pollan, but I have heard Your Mind On Plants is more memoir-like, and How To Change Your Mind is now on Netflix (is the book very different??). Food of Gods by Terence McKenna piqued my interest – is there anything similar that was published more recently?
    That said, I haven’t read any of the above so I’m still open to them if it’s ultimately the best bet!

    by Hot_Assignment4150

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