September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I just wan‘t something to feel kinda depressed about, and think about before I go to sleep. I don‘t have to cry about it, but it would be nice. The plot has to be well made(meaning good pacing and character development/ exploring. There is no need for a wide range of characters.

    Something similar to:

    \-No Longer Human

    \-A decade of deep Love(I know this one is kind of about Romance, but it‘s more about the tragedy about someones life, after giving everything up. Kind of?)

    (I did say in the title, that I didn‘t want a Tragedy about Romance->meaning I don‘t want the tragedy to be about romance, but about how tragic life itself is. (Or something between those lines.)->(I don‘t mind it when this Romance kind of thing is a side thing.)


    I don‘t mind NSWF stuff in the story either and it would be nice if it was m x m, but that is just a side note so you could just ignore that(and if you are familiar with stories like that…please give me recommendations to this type of story with a calm and quiet bottom, thank you.)


    by Eifwjrfjmw

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