I know the title sounds pretentious but I miss getting so immersed in the way a book is written that I just keep rereading the same lines over and over again until my fingerprints are engraved into the pages and thinking, “wow, that thought speaks to my soul.”
I don’t have a concrete idea as to what genre, it can be romance, fantasy, anything.
My only restriction is that it has to be fiction, no self-help, no Murakami and no “creepy guys being written hot” dark romance. (I don’t yuck your yum it’s just not my thing)
Plus point if it has homosexual undertones.
by birbidabobee
[The Hands of the Emperor](https://app.thestorygraph.com/books/af2bba9c-8f41-4a3e-b87a-8532a44ccb67) by Victoria Goddard! It’s a (very long) beautifully written slice of life book about the personal secretary to the emperor of the world, with a heavy focus on platonic relationships.
The Passenger and its companion novel(?) Stella Maris- McCarthy