July 2024
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    1. [With Their Backs to the World](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1032740.With_Their_Backs_To_The_World) by Asne Seierstad is a collection of interviews with various Serbs conducted during the Kosovo war and in the immediate aftermath with the fall of Milosevic. The author is a Norwegian journalist but it’s mostly just the Serbs speaking for themselves: their opinions and their circumstances. I read it about 15 years ago so my memory is a little hazy but I remember finding it pretty insightful. The interviewee from Serbian Kosovo living as an internally displaced person in south Serbia was pretty sad as she’d been forced from her home by Albanian Kosovans for being a Serb and yet her fellow Serbs were prejudiced against her for coming from Kosovo and, in their own words, for being practically Albanians.

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