July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m looking for two types of short-to-medium length books that take in place Portugal (bonus points if it’s by a Portuguese author and written in — or translated to — English):

    1. Absurd and/or comical, similar in tone to Erlend Loe, such as his novel Doppler.

    2. Entertaining modern retelling of some aspect of history, mythology, etc. that is relevant to Portugal.

    If there is anything that stands out and isn’t within these two categories, I’d also be interested in hearing about it. My friends are going to Portugal and I want to find them something to read while they’re there that’ll entertain them. My friend read Erlend Loe’s Doppler when he was in Norway and it was perfect as a ridiculous & comical yet thought-provoking book. Thanks for any recommendations.

    by xfilcamp


    1. Where’s that Redditor who’s constantly writing about Portuguese literature when you need them?!

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