July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Wow, this was a lot better than I expected. I really liked the first novel and figured this might be more of an intermediary novel.


    * I wasn’t too excited about the love triangle but I felt it did make sense and helped introduce a character so I was able to live with it.
    * There was a bit more politics than I’d have like at the beginning but I think over all it pays off. Could some of this been condensed? Maybe.
    * It felt like this may have been a candidate for “could this have been resolved if the characters just talked?”. However, I felt like their were valid reasons the discussions didn’t or couldn’t occur.


    * Characters had a lot of depth and were easy to be invested it. I really felt gutted when some characters died.
    * The larger overarching plot and world. I love how Sanderson drip feeds information and always seems to take the plot up a notch.
    * The suspense and action was great, the plot pacing was really good as well.

    Overall a perfect 5/7. What did you think of the book if you have read it? I got about 700 pages into the Way of Kings but stopped. I’ve only read Mistborn and this of his.

    by Dont_quote_me_onthat


    1. > Overall a perfect 5/7

      What kind of a rating system is a 7 scale?

      Also, what spoilers? This is all so generic it doesn’t sound like you read anything.

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