September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Typically I’m good at scowering the internet and finding this sort of thing but I’m stumped. I know that it’s about his father in law’s (Joseph P Kennedy) business dealings. It was referenced in a book I just read and I’d like to read the full thing. I looked in the Yale library archive available online but I couldn’t find it. Google was also no help. He has since gone into politics and I wonder if he asked for it to be taken down because JPK is not as well regarded now as he once was. (Bobby Shriver aka Robert Sargent Shriver III)

    by 9eorge-bus11

    1 Comment

    1. Not sure really but if it’s pre-internet it may never have been digitized. But should be in hardcopy in the Yale library. Email them. Librarians are amazing people everywhere.

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