July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    TW – grooming, SA, Rape

    Hi all!

    I’m looking to get some books to help myself, so I can support my partner more.

    My partner has been the victim of sexual violence and also grooming. I have been supporting her through this but it’s been really hard on myself dealing with the trauma of my partner being raped while we have been together.

    I’m looking for some good books on dealing with Vicarious trauma but not as a someone who works in the emergency services
    I’m struggling with the guilt that comes from that happening when I should have protected her.

    Also some on supporting rape victims and how to maybe separate myself from that?
    Understanding maybe some of the choices that maybe made by someone in that situation?

    Also a bit of a weird one I really am struggling on understanding how anyone can do that to someone is there any good resources to maybe understand the mindset of someone who commits those crimes?

    Many thanks!

    by BattleNo2105

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