September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I have a set of books from my childhood that I never read, and they include a book about Robin Hood and another book about King Arthur.

    I tried to read them to my 6yo, and had to stop because they’re both awful for different reasons.

    The Robin Hood book is surprisingly gory; it goes into great detail about how poachers are tortured and left to die, and also great detail about someone getting shot through the throat. It’s also generally badly written.

    The King Arthur book, on the other hand, is extremely dry and boring, and drones on and on about how many thousand footmen King Foo brought to wage war on King Boo, and then King Moo sent so many thousand troops to support King Goo, etc. And whenever King Arthur shows up in these battles the book invariably says “he fought like a lion!” And then resumes the droning. It’s also written in this awful flowery “faux olde Englishe”.

    So… Can someone please recommend a book of Robin Hood or King Arthur stories that’s not gory, or boring, and is written in modern English that will excite and engage a 6yo?

    by hunty

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