September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I am reading Blood Meridian right now and it’s interesting but hard to get through so far, hasn’t hooked me quite yet.

    I think what I’ve liked most about the Sci-fi books I’ve read are the mystery aspects of them. What we don’t know about the universe, or about the visitors we’re making first contact with, or what’s awaiting us in this planet we’re landing on, or the horrific forces we don’t understand that surround us, or why this is all happening in the first place, and whether we should find out or not…

    I’ll keep reading Sci-fi, I have a bunch I’ve bought to read, sitting on my shelf menacingly… Just not feeling sci-fi right now… Or at least I’m feeling the want to stop reading sci-fi more than I don’t want to read it if… That makes sense.

    (Mainly asking cuz I got 1 credit left to spend on audible (forgot to cancel it for the past three months) I already got a Murakami book and a thriller book called The Day of the Jackal so I need juts one more to cancel)

    by JuanCarlosBodoque31


    1. I mostly read sci fi, so here’s some books of other genres I have liked that contain mystery elements, in case you also like them:

      * Comfort Me With Apples by Catherynne M. Valente. A shorter book I found through this subreddit with the advice to go in knowing as little as possible. Fantasy mystery.

      * Kindred by Octavia E. Butler. Not mystery, it’s historical fantasy, but it’s a really great book. Plus the author mostly wrote sci fi so if you are ever in the mood for it and find you like the writing style, there’s more from her.

      * Our Wives Under the Sea by Julia Armfield. Magical realism.

      * City of Thieves by David Benioff. In between historical fiction and memoir. The author writes about his grandfather’s experiences in the Siege of Leningrad.

      * Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Literary fiction, not a traditional whodunnit mystery because literally everyone knows who did the murder and why. The mystery is instead why everyone acted the way they did, knowing all this.

      * The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro. Historical fiction about the time in between the two world wars, and regret.

    2. Books of the Raksura by Martha Wells

      A hundred years of Solitude by Garcia Marquez

      Pride and prejudice by Jane Austen

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