September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I remember the time when I used to go to the bookstore and take books based on what was written in the back. Up until college, I never had phone( smartphones was not a common thing at that time) and this was the only way I got books. It was a great way to choose books and I explored a lot.

    When book reviews and phones started becoming common and easily accessible I started looking at the reviews before buying. But I was easily influenced by the reviews and even one small negative one could deter me.
    And also I get extremely put off from a book if it’s overly hyped in social media. No idea why!

    And because I stopped enjoying the process, I found myself in a deep reading slump which I only got out very recently due to a much loved hobby that I discovered and finding the motivation to start reading again because of it. Now I have gone back to picking books based on what I hear or what’s written in the back. Mostly I pick from libraries as I don’t want to feel guilty if I decide not to finish the book. But it’s been a wonderful feeling to return to the process that initially ignited my love for reading.

    I would love to know how everyone decids which book to read.

    by Ar_space_tpk96

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