Few weeks back my nephew started talking about Thor and his hammer, and how he rides across the sky… (my pagan heart has never been so proud).
And since then its “thor this” “hammer that” .. I only know of the Comics “valhalla”…
But as my pagan facination didnt come til later in life, i dont know about CHILD friendly books..
(he is 5.. Starts school in 2025).
Ì\`ve been told he has started requesting Stores of his New hero… (Dries a tear from my eye) before bed..
And i REALLY wanna help nourish and encourage his liking and intrest in the Norse Pagan gods..
(I would read him Neil gaimans Norse mythology or the Normal Sagas ect, i just think parts is a bit …. + i also wanna give him something he can flip through himself.. ).
So give me all your Norse Pagan Child friendly recs!!
by WastelandViking