September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    *Farsa de Inês Pereira* by Gil Vicente (1523): Very complex and tedious story about a girl who wants to marry the “perfect man”, basically a netflix teenager romance but on the XVI century, I wasnt even able to understand what kind of social issue the history criticizes, but the book is so old that it doesnt represent our society anymore.

    *Sermão de Santo António aos peixes* by Padre António Vieira (1654): The story of a man that speaks to fish, yes, a man that speaks to fish to teach them things, the funniest part is that the writer assembled the people from the amazon forest to tell them this story in front of them, I wonder if the natives thought “Is this man crazy?” or at least understand what he said.

    *Frei Luís de Sousa* by Almeida Garrett (1843): Despite the original release year, the history happens in medieval ages, and its about a crazy woman who takes advantage of her husband’s dissapearance to cheat on him, no criticism of society or anything, I’v always asked why this book is part of the PNL (the program that forced me to read this books).

    *Amor de Perdição* by Camilo Castelo Branco (1862): This a long and complicated book but if I am not wrong is about a teenager named Simão who is in love with a girl named Teresa but the families do not agree, they dont care and they start dating, Teresa’s family finds out and Teresa goes to a convent in another city, then Simão goes to that city and while sleeping at a friend’s house he falls in love again with another girl… This book is really complicated but the only things I’ve learned are “do not cheat” and “do not kill” (related with another part of the story), ironically the author had an affair with a married woman…

    *Os Maias* by Eça de Queirós (1888): The king of portuguese literature and also Portugal’s number 1 fan of incest and unnecessarily long descriptions (the twenty first pages are the description of a house!), if you thought *Amor de Perdição* was long, then wait for this one: more than 600 pages describing the lives of people and their personal problems, if you want to be portuguese-style bored, Queirós is the best option. Before reading this book I had to read a text written by the author’s great-great-grandson convincing me to read the whole book (spoiler: It didnt work)

    *Memorial do convento* by José Saramago (1982): Despite being the newest book on this list, the story happens around 1717, the story is tedious but what made José a famous author in our country was the fact he disliked punctuation, and its like, I have to follow all kinds of writing rules but when this man doesnt follow the rules is not considered a “bad writer”.

    by Quicheisthebest

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