September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Got any book suggestions? Just finished young elites trilogy and I neeed something where the main character is a villain. I love when the main character slowly descends into madness, but I’m cool with any suggestions where the main character isn’t the good guy.

    Preferably YA/NA/Adult Fantasy, but I’m cool with thrillers too.

    by No_Prune_1950


    1. Vicious by VE Schwab fits this pretty well.

      One that also kind of fits is the Rook and the Rose books. The main character isn’t exactly a villain but she’s essentially pulling a pretty elaborate con, so she’s not exactly the good guy either. Really excellent and the third book just came out!

    2. Forging Hephaestus,by Drew Hayes. It jumps between PoV characters, but the titular character is a card carrying super villain.

      Soon, I will be invincible by Austin Grossman.

    3. Abject-Feedback5991 on


      Oh, just noticed you’re looking for YA/Fantasy so this is not a match, my bad. I’m leaving it anyway bc this is the quintessential “main character is the villain” book.

    4. vintage_diamond on

      Once Upon A Broken Heart & The Ballad of Never After by Stephanie Garber are YA romance fantasy novels. There is a male and female lead. The male is the villain. He can be really irritating at times, but the story still hooked me in.

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