November 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m in the middle of a nasty divorce. I have returned all of my ex’s books, and most of mine were destroyed in a basement flood a few years ago. I switched mostly to ebooks when my kids were babies because it was easier to swipe a screen than it was to turn a page while breastfeeding. But I don’t have that problem anymore, and I much prefer physical books. So I am switching back. Now I need books so I can look at my bookshelves and not feel sad.

    I will read just about anything. I’m not a huge fan of romance, but will make exceptions if it’s really, really good. Other than that, anything goes. I usually alternate between fiction and non-fiction. You like science fiction? Great! Me too. Mysteries? Wonderful. Fantasy? Hell yes. Historical fiction? You betcha. Just finished a book about the history and cultural significance of the sewing needle? That sounds super interesting and I would love to read it.

    So please, suggest me a book.

    by Wahpoash

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