September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    One of my future in-laws bought me a copy of The Creature From Jekyll Island. I’m reading – or rather, skimming – it because I really appreciate the thought behind the gift. But holy cow, this book is absolute nonsense. The author clearly has no understanding of the Fed, yet he managed to write nearly 600 pages of word salad on the subject. The reviews on the back of the book come from the likes of (famed economist) Willie Nelson and some guy named Stan, whose qualification is that he is married to a librarian.

    What book wasted your time?

    by dmillson

    1 Comment

    1. TheGargageMan on

      The Cuckoo’s Calling. It kept veering between styles. The main character was in a different film from the murder mystery. I couldn’t tell if it was satire or just garbage.

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