October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Throughout my life i never been a book reader, i love storytelling but only in films and tv shows, the only book a remember finishing was “Antigone” and just because of school. Recently i wanted to get into reading, my uncle recommended Doestoevsky, i know… going directly into Fyodor without having read anything before is weird, so i bought Crimes and Punishment, not until afterwards that i read its a “tough read”, though, this is the second day of my reading and im already in page 90, i think this the first time i really enjoy and wanting to finish a book.

    by Persona0111995

    1 Comment

    1. postdarknessrunaway on

      Hooray! There are so many wonderful books waiting for you, and if you can read Dostoyevsky, you can read anything. 

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