July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey! I’ve been in a reading slump since and I need help to get out of it. Please help me find a book.
    1. My last (and favorite) books were Ferrante’s Napolitean series and Min Jin Lee’s Pachinko, which I deem both excellent. Ferrante’s writing is brillant and I literally fell into the world of the series while reading (love everything about the books, characters, theme, writing, atmosphere/vibe). Pachinko was really nice to read, despite the simple writing, I felt immersed in the setting as well and felt like si learned a lot about family and sacrifices (and similar themes).
    2. I’m quite picky so please I would love it if you could suggest me books you ADORED or you think are MASTERPIECES.
    3. Stuff I like in book: good writing of course, 3rd point of view, character driven/focused, friendships, love (but not the kind where the character’s problems are instantly solved just by being with their love interests), eye-opening/new perspectives, historical, feminist, queer

    The thing is I’m always not as motivated to read, it’s like Im always searching for Ferrante’s writing again, or to be mind-blown by the book Im reading like I was with the two books I mentionned earlier. Hopefully, the books you suggest me I can add to my favourites list :).
    Thank you so so much for reading and helping!

    by RealPresentation8910

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