July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m in page 146 of 714 and my god this book is CRAZY FUN. The characters, the setting, the development arc it’s just beautiful. The last time i had this much fun reading was when i was reading “The count of monte cristo”, even then reading TCOMC i never got this much of fun. East of eden takes you to a whole new level. And the antagonist ahh man, perfect multi-generation family drama. I can’t wait for more Trasks and the Hamiltons

    by Ash_Zuceed


    1. I’m glad you’re enjoying it so much. It’s one of my favorite books, and I re-read it whenever I get the chance.

    2. I’m also reading it right now. About half way today. Shaping up to be one of the best novels I’ve ever read.

    3. I’m glad you are liking it! haven’t read many classic books but I consider East of Eden my favorite novel of all time.

    4. No spoilers, but I remember crying when I finished that book in high school because the characters were so real and the story so moving. Don’t think any other book has ever brought such a visceral reaction from me.

    5. Cycletothesun on

      I read this last month for the first time! I’m kinda upset I read it because I’m in a book hangover now from it being so good. I don’t know how others could possibly measure up to it. My favorite character is Cal, he seemed the most relatable and had the best growth

    6. cursethedarkness on

      And it just keeps getting better and better! I read it the first time as a teenage girl and fell completely in love with Cal.

    7. Aware-Mammoth-6939 on

      Beautiful novel. Lee is definitely my favorite character. Quite an accurate depiction of Genesis.

    8. Voltairine_2066 on

      Fantastic book. One of those novels I wish I could read again for the first time.

    9. It is an amazing book. That box dedicatory is one of my favorite beginnings in a book. It has an incredible primal feeling to it too.

    10. Ok-Implement-4933 on

      I’m reading this right now, on pg140. Just come across one of the best lines I’ve ever read. “Maybe we all have in us a secret pond where evil and ugly things germinate and grow strong.” Gorgeous

    11. hikesometrailsdude on

      Ik what u mean! Got 57 pages left myself. I think it may be the first book I wouldn’t mind rereading, and already a contender for my favorite book, if not already at this point.

    12. Certain-Definition51 on

      The pacing on this book is so good too. It’s not in a hurry but it’s not too slow. It’s like 100 Years of Solitude but…American.

    13. superspacestar on

      john steinbeck is one of my favorite authors, you should read grapes of wrath if you haven’t yet 🙂

    14. Potential_Molasses83 on

      I thought the book was dreadfully boring but at the same time I couldn’t put it down. I loved it really.

    15. With the way this post is written, someone who hasn’t read it is gonna think East of Eden is a wild, comical adventure filled with zany moments of hilarity. Yay generational trauma?

    16. HeyMarkWiggsy on

      There is a movie adaptation with James Dean as Cal. Not the greatest movie adaptation to be honest there is just waaaay too much going on in that book to fit it into a little film.

    17. IchabodHollow on

      I’m glad others love it but I struggled to get through it. Not everything is everyone’s cup of tea I guess

    18. My personal fave. He has a lot of fun with character name in the text; see if you can spot the significance of first initials throughout. 🤗

    19. Intrepid-Block5105 on

      A lifetime of reading and it doesn’t get better than East of Eden. It was the first book that truly stunned me. Still in my Top Ten.

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