July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    What I want is for the main character to be complicated and multi dimesinal.The female character has a unique personality and talks like a real person instead of being a sidekick for the main character Harem. The fiction world is well built with logic, and that is enough for me.

    I have not read much western literature; their writing is not fitting for me. I read only Japanese books and Japanese light novels, and so many of them fall into cliche things like that. The strong point about their novel is that they do not care about morals or high standards. They often cross the moral line and ask questions about who reader should root for.

    The best one that I have read is the Monogatari series. I prefer a Japanese book, but you can recommend a western book that can blow my mind.

    by Upset-Ask-6324

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