July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Is there an author you REALLY wanted to get into but one thing ruined it? The other day I came across Keigo Higashino and was excited to see that he’s such a prolific writer in Japan. I was ready to start reading all his work.

    ***spoiler in the first chapter of The Newcomer***

    One chapter into The Newcomer and there’s a part where a man hides from his mother that she has cancer. Full out denies her the knowledge about her own health and doesn’t let her know that she could only have a few months longer to live. And it’s framed by the author like this man is doing something NOBLE by protecting her and her granddaughter (his daughter) from the news. On top of that, the doctor, the insurance agent and the man ALL are in on the secret. I was appalled and disgusted. How dare they keep this to themselves when the medical information should’ve been confidential, between the doctor and the patient only. It was the absolute erasure of this woman’s bodily autonomy and giving the power over to her son that was framed as a positive, benevolent gesture that was so disturbing to me that I couldn’t read beyond that chapter.

    by tournesol_1265

    1 Comment

    1. TheNikkiPink on

      This is common in the East. It also used to be super common in the West.

      And also are you confusing fiction with the real world? Do you hate every murder mystery writer for writing about immoral murder?

      You’re going to really struggle as a reader if you can’t deal with characters doing things you don’t approve of.

      I find your post to be exceptionally narrow minded and, frankly, stupid. Getting upset about an author because of a character’s actions is ridiculously childish. You would never be able to read any king of challenging fiction with this attitude.

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