September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I want to start reading again after an almost 20 year gap, and would like to resume in familiar territory. Growing up, Sherlock Holmes mysteries were my favourite so I feel anything close to that would be ideal for me to jump back in – short mysteries mainly, but the charm of a Victorian era setting or the cozyness of the occasional English coutriside would be a huge plus.

    by PostKnutClarity


    1. brokenpenguins91 on

      i think you would really enjoy Poe’s work!! most of them are short spooky stories, but he has some interesting mystery ones too 🙂 my personal favorites are *the pit and the pendulum* and *murders in the rue morgue*

    2. It’s more of a mysterious atmosphere than neat endings … Don’t Look Now collection by Daphne du Maurier

    3. TheAlmightyHiFi on

      Try Josephine Tey – she only has 5 mysteries, but they’re all well done. Start with Daughter of Time and The Franchise Affair. Also recommend PD James, his detectives are smart & honorable and the mysteries are well thought out.

      Ages ago I found a couple lists of ‘Top 100 Mysteries of All Time’ for US and UK; mostly classics from 1900-1980’s. I haven’t been through all of them, and they will definitely vary, but it’s a good starter list.

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