Hey, I have a need for a book about a group of female friends who team up to get revenge on the people who abused them. I want it to have a focus on how working together to process your bad shit can be a healing rather than the isolating kill bill style plots. And I also want them to get away with it too. I don’t care for moralizing back and forth about what crimes are worthy of a death sentence. Just let my girlies murder! It can be any genre, though I would prefer a contemporary setting but don’t have it end with the MC falling head over heels for the first guy who treats her with basic fuckin decency. If it has to have a romance arch let it at least be queer.
by Old1EyedBear
It’s not quite *exactly* what you’re looking for, but in >!Big Little Lies !< the show they somewhat accidentally kill >!The rapist of one and abuser of another. And get away with it.!< I haven’t read the book, but I’ve enjoyed other books by the same author. If you can’t find anything else that might scratch the itch?
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Jane Doe by Victoria Helen Stone
When I’m done writing my self-healing autobiography, I’ll write this for you. Honestly, fantastic idea and would be so satisfying to write. Want co-author credit for this idea?? That can be arranged! If you want to read the real-life version where my book is my revenge against all my abusers, hmu for the link 😂
Wtf is this, lmfao. Just watch Jessica Jones