September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    and I would like to personally punch Bret Easton Ellis in the face for what he has done to my poor, fragile, sensitive brain.

    But really, did anyone like this book? I considered reading it as I have always been interested in the topic of narcissism and psychopathy, but the previews that I read have burned an image in my head that I truly could’ve gone my whole life without. I am not entirely squeamish, but I have a shot nervous system and the portion I read has been on repeat in my mind for the good majority of the day.

    by Desperate_Pair8235


    1. Oh, American Psycho! That book is like a rollercoaster ride through the mind of a seriously twisted individual.

    2. burstthebluemoon on

      I couldn’t finish it. I got about halfway through and at the point where >!he started hitting a beggar because he could!<, I was like “nooooope.”

    3. I get what the book is going for, but it definitely wasn’t for me. I found the whole thing kind of dull, frankly (which is partly the point).

    4. Hurdy_Gurdy_Man_84 on

      The first few descriptions of violence were shocking. After that it just became tedious and boring.

      The novel does have some hilarious sections though. Such as the interactions between Bateman and his friends over comference calls.

    5. Well, Bret didn’t force you to read it. You’ll have a hard time convincing anyone you had no idea what to expect. I love the book even though it’s clearly not for everyone.

    6. Loosely related but I read truly horrifying fiction in my teens that I still feel traumatised by. The only thing that’s helping me is writing a story that creates a world where this would be unthinkable. I’m still wondering, just like OP, who in their right mind would sit down, write this shit and then have the audacity to publish it.

    7. Perhaps watch the film instead. Mary Harron manages to capture the spirit of the book while avoiding turning it into a slasher movie. 

    8. disgruntledgrumpkin on

      I can’t say I enjoyed the book, but I enjoyed examining my emotional experiences while reading it, and it set me on a path towards other transgressive fiction, which I liked much more.

    9. I don‘t think it really is that shocking or brutal to be honest. But the constant depictions of what brand someone wears started becoming annoying so I stopped.

    10. 32in2Dayscomeon on

      Wait until he goes to the penguin exhibit at the zoo.

      “Would you like…a cookie?”

    11. machobiscuit on

      I liked the book. It’s weirdly boring, on purpose, and it’s an “experience.” After I finished it, it all sort of made sense.

    12. ExtramurosCentarian on

      I put it down after the first couple pages. I get it, I just don’t need it.

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