September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Been battling insomnia for the last week, and struggling to “turn my brain off”. Reading in bed generally helps, but I’ve run out of material. Poorly written and I get annoyed and not relaxed; too engaging and I’m so into it I can’t put it down; a lack of characters loses my attention… etc. Anyone dealing with this, and what works for you? Thanks 🙂

    by AZSunDogs


    1. Exotic-Shower8359 on

      I have a similar problem, though I use audiobooks. My best results come when I have a book which I’ve read multiple times, so I know the story. That way, my brain can drift in and out until I am fully asleep. I tend to use one audible section of “The Three Musketeers”. That way it can run out and not play the entire night.

    2. im a massive insomniac and the only way I can drift off is with an audiobook. I turn all the lights off, get in bed, close my eyes and pay attention to the audiobook and somewhere along the way I drift off. I’ll catch myself dozing off, find that the audiobook has moved to a point in the story I can’t follow/have to rewind and that’s when I know I can actually sleep so I then turn it off for the night. I usually just play the audiobook of whatever im reading, nothing specific. sometimes I’ll just scroll through the available now on libby and pick one that interests me.

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