July 2024
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    1. I know a lot of people that go from Project Hail Mary and The Martian to Dune.

      But check out Leviathan Wakes by James SA Corey, definitely super cool space stuff!

    2. boxer_dogs_dance on

      I don’t know your level of knowledge about space. Some of the classic science fiction writers really got into engineering aspects. They didn’t have current level of scientific knowledge but they did discuss vacuum and propulsion and rocketry.

    3. TheAlmightyHiFi on

      Try Apollo 13 by Jim Lovell (the astronaut played by Tom Hanks in the film). It’s incredibly well written and goes into the technical details of what, how, and why everything happened and they made it back, without going over your head. Great tale, exciting even though you know the ending.

      Mary Roach does science with humor, her book Packing for Mars: The Curious Science of Life in the Void is pretty good.

      Not space, but Sam Kean’s books on general science subjects are super fun and you’ll learn something: The Disappearing Spoon, The Violinists Thumb, and Tales of the Dueling Neurosurgeons.

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