September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    . There is a very strange African hero who wants to conquer half the world, but in reality he represents the colonialist-warmongering-protofascist Italy that Marinetti liked so much with shots of
    ZANG TUMB TUMB WAR ONLY HYGIENE IN THE WORLD WRITTEN A FEW YEARS BEFORE THE war against Turkey to decide whether Libya should become an Italian colony or remain a Turkish possession, he certainly does not spare himself belligerent phrases like this one: (pages 14-15) I understand ….you will beg me to put an end to the war so as not to starve the people! The poverty of the countryside… I know, I know everything! And I don’t care! (…) Besides, what are you complaining about? This morning’s battle has accumulated unexpected fertilizers on the fields! Are not all those piles of black, shiny, smoking and almost liquefied corpses on the fresh green of the prairies about to transform into so many dunghills with sumptuous ebony reflections (..) My sovereign! Think how beneficial peace would be for the construction of the irrigation canals that I began last year!(…) I don’t care! I love war! And my people love her just as much! Rural men can feed on dung! They are worthy of it! And the Sun is enough on its own to work the earth! (…) Let those meticulous fingers grow our future salads in the rotten bowels of Negroes! “. How can you not laugh when reading this sentence which is in fact racist, because even if pronounced by a black person, the text was written by a DEAD MASCHIOBIANCOMTO (cit.), but it is so grotesque that it only makes you laugh from what exaggerated? Edgelord to the nth degree, worse than Redo of Healer. And what about one of the most gratuitous and grotesque rape scenes I’ve ever seen in a book that should in all respects be considered literature? (pages 31-32 )
    a giant loudly demanded that they let him speak. He said he wanted to provide extraordinary entertainment, but the noise was deafening, and he demanded absolute silence. To get them, he danced clownishly, waving his huge arms on his knees. (…) We all have to embark on the bodies of the black women and sail like this, we pretend to be on the sea, and to do regattas. Now my boat is about to sink, you can hardly see it anymore. A prize will be given to whoever is the first to kill his boat, before all the others (…) And the carnage became frightening on the muddy waters and on the banks. (…) the rancid smell of human semen and blood intoxicated that terrible war horse, which pawed angrily. (…)”mangy dogs! Hare hearts! Breed of scorpions! Chicken fimo! (…)Vulves of chained women! Here is the enemy you like to fight! You have beaten them, you have torn them to pieces! You can really be proud of them!
    (…) The fury of bloodthirsty soldiers! your impotence is only equaled by your cowardice! of your sex you have made your favorite sword, the only one you know how to handle with art! handle it again, to generate sons of sluts and sinful dogs of the vulva like you are!
    (…)Bubassa. That great king would approve of you, in fact, if he were here! And he would be as amused as you and perhaps even more at seeing women torn apart and crushed by a bloodthirsty copy! .
    Sorry for the cuts, otherwise the quote would never end. When I read the book, in the dark, I thought I would find more literary and cultured stuff, after all Marinetti is the guy from ZANG TUMB TUMB, from the futurism manifesto, from words in freedom. A futurist sculpture is featured on the Italian 20 cent coin so a person expects something less unapologetically TRASH EDGELORD. However, even so this book has a strange charm that only futurism can have, after reading the first 50 pages of the book I felt like I was high on cocaine or something of that sort with an exaggerated grotesque power as heartbreaking as a war giraffe (yes, it exists stuff like that in the book) which hits you with the powerful power of the dream of Icarus soaring in flight (yes this is also in the book)
    I recommend this book if only for the absolute impossibility of finding something similar nowadays. Crazy!

    by StormAntares

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