September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    He is a gamer. His favorite games are Subnautica (a sci-fi survivalist game on an alien planet), Red Dead Redemption 2 (a western), and The Last of Us (a character-centric zombie apocalypse story), and he wants to read a book similar to one of those three. Definitely something with survival elements as well as being character-focused. He’s on the spectrum and struggles some with reading comprehension, so preferably something with prose that isn’t too convoluted or difficult to understand. Most of all it needs to be easy to get into, quick, and engaging. He has never read a book outside of school so I want to show him that books can be just as fun as a video game. Thank you!!!

    by squiddonaut


    1. The usual recommendations are usually things like the Harry Potter series and also the Percy Jackson series. Both are extremely well loved by people of all ages despite the fact that they a technically childrens/ya books. These are the two series I’ve seen that get most people into reading other than maybe something like The Chronicles of Narnia.

    2. Past-Wrangler9513 on

      The Girl with All the Gifts by MR Carey for something like The Last of Us. It’s a pretty easy read but very engaging.

    3. AnxiousJellyfish6544 on

      A totally different recommendation here. You can get him to read Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin. The book is about a group of friends who become game developers.

      Ready Player One and Ready Player Two by Ernest Cline is also about video games.

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