October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Now if you totally loved this book this probably won’t be the opinion for you, but I feel as though this book was grossly over-hyped, and I don’t say that just to be contrary, I bought the book, I enjoyed it well enough, but everything about it felt familiar and therefore predictable.

    As I read on I realized that it was because I HAD read this stuff before. This book takes scenes and character information from other popular novels and rams them together. Yes all stories are the same story and whatnot but this felt really blatant and that bothered me. So I thought I’d make a list here of the ones I’ve noticed. There WILL be a lot of spoilers.

    • First up, the most obvious, we have a world in which dragons choose humans to be their bonded riders. This bond includes feeling each others feelings, hearing each other’s thoughts, and learning to fly together (via the use of a saddle no less). The dragon provides the rider with a certain amount of power. A female blue dragon whose name starts with an S is a major player (as it a giant black dragon and a golden one). This is Eragon.

    • Next we have the setting, which is divided into factions. The main character does put some thought into joining the books and knowledge faction, but ultimately decides on the bravery faction, this will be where she comes into her own and becomes her true self. First though, she will have to go through a dangerous initiation, in which people die, and others are trying to kill her. She is even attacked in her sleep by a group which contains one surprising face. She might have died if not for her totally hot, rebelliously tattooed teacher who is only a few years older than her, initially dislikes her, but ends up with her. Her bestie in this place also has a sneaky little relationship that really isn’t all that sneaky. She trains in hand to hand combat and is required to wear black as part of her new factions dress code, but besides colour, they’re pretty lax in what you can wear, something the main character finds a bit refreshing, when looking back at what she’d have to wear in her other choice of faction, in which modesty is coveted. This is Divergent.

    • The MMC is a dark-haired, with gold eyes (or gold flecked eyes), tall, muscular, he gives the fmc a nickname, constantly commenting on her violence and is clearly turned on by it, also, yanno, smut. This is From Blood and Ash.

    • He is charming and a warrior, and his power of darkness, which blinds his opponents and makes him one of the most, if not the most, powerful of his kind, although she may be even more powerful than he is. She has a bond with him over which they can communicate, and they utilize this to say saucy things to each other. This is A Court of Thorns and Roses.

    • The fmc is short (~5″2) and has brown hair which fades to grey. She learns she can control lightening, a “shockingly” powerful gift (haha). She is betrayed by her love interest, and both of them end up working with the rebellion, a position she probably wouldn’t have taken if not for a love interest. She finds out in a big cliffhanger reveal at the end of book one that her powerful brother, whom she had thought dead in the war for years, is actually alive and working with the rebellion. This is Red Queen.

    • The disabled main character with seemingly every disadvantage repeatedly falling off their black dragon as they try to figure out flying together, which doesn’t work until special handmade gear is used is pretty reminiscent of How to Train Your Dragon as well.

    I am also positive that I have seen the obstacle course scene somewhere before. Where the main character gets stuck on one obstacle every time she goes through the course, can’t for the life of her tackle it, until of course, she has to.

    Like every story is not unique, Eragon is Star Wars in a Tolkien setting, Red Queen is pretty reminiscent of X-Men, etc, but I felt as though Fourth Wing was just more obvious about it, and because I had read all of these books before it was incredibly predictable. I liked all of those books the first time I read them, so I understand why people enjoyed Fourth Wing, don’t get me wrong, I also had a good time reading it, how could I not? It is a mashup of lots of stories I loved. I just think that the hype makes this book out to be some kind of unique, one-of-a-kind story and it simply isn’t.

    Just wanted to get that off my chest a bit. If you have other stories you recognize in this book, or other pieces I’ve missed that fit into one of mine, let me know. I also encourage friendly debate, though I will not interact with anyone who is not being friendly about it.

    by ThisFallenPrey


    1. InvisibleSpaceVamp on

      >everything about it felt familiar and therefore predictable.

      That’s why I DNFed it (returned it to the library early, which probably made someone else happy). It feels like it was not written for experienced Fantasy readers … or maybe for people who just don’t mind the lack of originality because it has all their favorite tropes and ticks all their favorite boxes.

      I mean, sometimes you just want to read Tolkien but not written by Tolkien, right?

    2. Indifferent_Jackdaw on

      I heard there is a thing where when the dragons are mating their riders feel compelled to have sex together….that is Dragonriders of Pern.

    3. It’s a fantasy aimed at romance readers imo. It reads like a YA book, plus added smut.

      I enjoyed it well enough but it wasnt original at all, very predictable, and found myself rolling my eyes a lot!

      I don’t think it lives up to the hype but I can see why its popular. It’s Twilight / Hunger Games / Fifty Shades / Game of Thrones fan service.

    4. Read enough YA/NA and they all sound the same. Don’t even get me started on JLA’s writing.

    5. leftoverlentils on

      I have two friends who loved this book, so I read it and finished it but now I don’t have anyone to talk to about how much I hate it.

    6. A booktuber (can’t remember who, unfortunately) said recently that Fourth Wing is a fantasy book for people who have never read fantasy, and basically just want contemporary YA with some mythical creatures thrown in for the whimsy of it all (which is fine, but then do it a little less overtly maybe ??) This checks out in my view, especially when I googled the author and found out that she’s written 10+ contemporary novels and this is her first fantasy.

    7. I’ve read it and honestly, it’s just a vaguely fun time and that’s about it. I don’t get the hype for it, it must be just good marketing. It’s not written that well and I feel like it’s just ACOTAR light without any emotional depth whatsoever. The side characters I can’t even remember, honestly.

      I did like the dragon/human bond but at my bookclub this week I described this book as just trashy fantasy – there for a fun time and some giggles and that’s it.

      That’s not necessarily a bad thing, it’s the people who rave it as a 5 star epic fantasy that are the problem.

    8. Thanks, just confirmation of my bias that it looked overhyped YA Romance. Just the description alone was like “nah I’m good”

    9. I’m 83% of the way through and I hate it but I refuse to DNF books so here I am. I actually laughed out loud during the smut scene when one of them said “oh my gods” lmfao it is just such bad writing. I didn’t know there would be such a heavy romance storyline- I HATE romance, I find it so unbearably cringey. Someone compared it to Harry Potter (the only fantasy series I’ll entertain) so I decided to read it and wow that couldn’t be more wrong.

    10. I can’t remember the last time I hate read a book this ridiculous. I *lost* it at the obstacle course. It’s a one-to-one description of the Ninja Warrior obstacle course 🤣🤣🤣

    11. cowboysadbop on

      I’m someone who didn’t get into fantasy until a couple of years ago (around 21ish) and actually kind of denied my love of fantasy for a while so I read this because it was pretty hyped and I just wanted to be in the loop basically. I absolutely devoured it and I loved it. Imagine my shock when so many people HATED it and said it was the worst book they’ve ever read! I understand how a seasoned fantasy and/or YA reader may dislike this but as someone who has never read any of the books that you’ve listed and others people have compared this to, it makes me feel really silly enjoying it lol. I found some of the dialogue to be a little cringey at times, for sure, but I’m actually SO excited for the sequel because I wanna see where this all goes! I think it’s really important for people to remember that even the most seasoned readers haven’t read everything. I have zero interest in most of the series/books people have compared Fourth Wing to, but the way these tropes/concepts were combined in Fourth Wing created something I WAS interested in reading.

      To your point about overhype though, I think in the age of booktok, booktube, etc. EVERYTHING is overhyped. Unless I am okay with potential disappointment, I put a LOT of time and thought into whether I want to heed the advice of someone I saw on my feed because I’ve been burnt more than I’d like to admit.

    12. SomeBodyElectric on

      I had to DNF around 30%. It was just awful. The main character sounded like a horny 12 year old. The overwhelming amount of senseless death had zero impact. Keeping murderous kids in class was bizarre. The world-building made no sense (society at war killing off perfectly good recruits because they have to prove themselves or some shit). The super special protagonist getting her >!rare dragons and two of them!< It was truly awful.

    13. The obstacle course is from the great American phenomenon known as American Gladiator. 😂😂😂
      Toss in some hunger games too and ya nailed it.

    14. mynameisfifield on

      Don’t forget that the obstacle course is literally an American Warrior course. Down to the swinging balls and “incredibly steep ramp” as the last obstacle.

    15. Ok late to the game but a LOT of it felt like it was cribbed from the Kel/Protector era of Tamora Pierce’s Tortall works

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