July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m someone who gives up easily on something I’m interested in due to me thinking I’ll never improve or give up cause I’m stressed out about it. I’m also someone who has anxiety and worries about how future me will turn out due to me having no current idea on who I want to be and if I do know I can’t focus on it cause of the anxiety and procrastinating.

    by Sukkalicious

    1 Comment

    1. First off I’m glad you shared your experience. It takes strength to be honest about our shortcomings and it also gives others who are experiencing the same struggle a feeling of camaraderie. You are not alone.

      The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle completely changed my perspective when I read it for the first time when I was 20. It gave me a glimpse into what the present moment has to offer and how I can use this newfound understanding to help me live with my neurosis. Before reading this book I only lived in the past or the future in my mind. It was not a cure-all but it showed me what I am in control of- my perspective. Twelve years and a lot of self-growth later and I still see reading this book as a turning point for me.

      It also sounds like you’re struggling with some mental health challenges and if you don’t already have a support network, try step-by-step building a community of people who can be there with you while you heal and grow. That includes friends, therapist, counselor, psychologist, family, people on the internet. You don’t have to do it alone, and in fact no one does it alone.

      Best wishes, you got this.

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