July 2024
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    1. Wild_Preference_4624 on

      Have you read The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet by Becky Chambers? The majority of the characters are non white, and the author and some of the important characters are queer.

    2. kimairabrain on

      Player of Games by Iain M Banks features a non-white MC. He’s not LGBTQ, but comes from a society where people regularly switch genders. He is actually considered odd for not ever doing so himself. It’s the second in a series but each book is stand alone. 

      Not sure if it fits the ‘fun’ side if you mean lighthearted, it’s more of a serious feel. But I had fun reading it! 

    3. Reading-person on

      Wait wait wait. I have a book at home like this! (Pretty sure the character is black, but my memory is fucking terrible), and it’s also has lgbt in it!

      But for the love of god I can’t remember what the name of it is. Just lemme dive into the internet real quick

      ETA: okey, I found it. It’s called “Cemetery boys”, and was written by Aiden Thomas, a Latin-American writer.

      It’s a young-adult urban fantasy novel, and I enjoyed it quite a bit!

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