July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    So I live in a basement apartment, there’s a family
    Upstairs on the main floor. They’re nice and we are friendly. Back in may when I was getting back into reading again, I had a tiny collection of books and I offered to the wife and said “hey, I’m reading again and since summer is around the corner let me know if you want to borrow a book” and she asked for 6 and I was like um ok sure. I just said send them back when you’re done.

    That was in may. It’s October. She said she’ll return them when she can, and she mentioned her kid damaged one of them. Is it rude to ask for them back? I tried to be nice and share and all but I feel like, I don’t know annoyed that she took so many and hasn’t given even one back especially because she’s said she’s read most of them. I don’t want to start drama, and she’s not a difficult person, but I kind of want my books back.

    by Much-Cartographer264

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