July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I used to absolutely love reading as a kid and teenager. I’ve been trying to reignite that passion for books over the past few years with some mild success, but nothing that really sticks. I’ll read the occasional one-off book every few months, but too be honest, it’s kind of like a chore and something I force myself to do.

    I want that feeling back where I would stay awake until 3am, fighting sleep, needing to know what happens in the next chapter. I remembered how much I used to love series of books as well, and the excitement of knowing that the story and characters are going to continue.

    I have pretty wide interests, but to give a better idea:

    – horror/thriller are my absolute favorites. the last one-off book I remember being super hooked by was FantasticLand by Mike Bockoven.

    – LOVED the Harry Potter series. The feeling reading these books for the first time is exactly the feeling I want back! Was also a huge fan of the cirque du freak series as a child.

    – I get very frustrated with overly-descriptive and slow writing. I’ve tried Stephen King on multiple occasions and I felt like the writing was too needlessly repetitive and wordy.

    – I would prefer “easy reads” right now. As I said above, I don’t have a lot of patience for drawn out, slow – burn type books.
    Would not dismiss YA novels if the content was mature enough. Its not really the length that bothers me, I just need a faster moving story.

    If anyone has any suggestions for book series (or if you have a really solid rec for a individual book), I would love to hear them!

    by cmarie22345

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