September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I just finished reading Little Women and it’s boring. Everything is always ‘capital’ and everyone in the book is always ‘assuming airs’. I found Jo to be selfish, whiny and jealous by the end.

    I really didn’t like this. I found it boring and repetitive. It’s not a book I’d ever read again or bother recommending to anyone else. If it wasn’t for the fact I like the way this edition is designed I’d have thrown it in the bin.

    by Between3N20Karakters


    1. The Great Gatsby

      Read it in high school.

      I would have rather been waterboarded with Rush’s Tom Sawyer blaring in my ears on repeat. 

    2. Canavansbackyard on

      I have tried on numerous occasions to read Joyce’s *Ulysses* to no avail. I find it to be in the main an incomprehensible morass. I will not be making another attempt. Life is too short.

    3. Anna Karenina is the worst book i have ever read.Bros K is the best book i have ever read.(just for context when people undoubtedly come on here and tell me that i am not intelligent enough to understand Anna k). most people i know who have read AK have hated it.

    4. Dontevenwannacomment on

      I hate the Great Gatsby, I loathe it. The heavy-handed symbolism, the story’s rythm and structure, the dialog and character dynamics, to me it’s a complete flop.

      I don’t like being a negative nancy so I should say I very much enjoy The Sun Also Rises which tackles similar themes.

    5. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the brothers karamazov is the most up-its-own-ass overwritten piece of shit I’ve ever read. It has its moments of genius but overall it’s a waste of paper.

    6. Dense_Cry9219 on

      I didn’t like The Portrait of Dorian Gray. Any discussion I saw about the book, people were praising it so much so I thought I’d love it. It was meh. I don’t know why everyone loves it so much. It’s fine I guess. I think it would have been good if my expectations weren’t high but even without that aspect I don’t see how it is rave worthy.

    7. Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by Joyce and Wuthering Heights. I forced myself to finish the Joyce twice and hated it both times, gave up on Brontë halfway through

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