September 2024
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    Would you forgive Marisa in Vivi’s place?

    Why Leo was aftraid to confess to Cruz ?

    Do you think Leo believed it was Cruz who killed his mother?

    Why Marisa framed Cruz?

    In what ways you think Villa, Carson and Leo way of dealing with grief was destructive?

    What made Carson’s affair with Zach even more complicated?

    Why was Carson unable to cut things off with Zach even though she knew it was a right thing?

    Why Carson thought her affair had something to do with Vivi’s death.

    Why Leo stayed with Marisa even though he knew they won’t have a future together?

    Do you think Marisa was possesive and evil?

    How does the theme of secrets play a role in Golden Girl? What secret is each character trying to hide?

    How do you think Willa feels when she finds that Vivi might have had a miscarriage in the past? Why does Willa decide not to tell anyone else of this secret?

    Why do you think Vivi never told anyone about her relationship with Brett Caspian?

    Why Vivi didn’t want Brett to read her book and come to Nantucket?

    Does Marisa have any excuse to act like she did?

    Did Vivi felt heavy for the rest of her life about her lie to Brett?

    Which Character did you relate with the most and why?

    by MistyRoyal

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